  • 1263 Grass Valley Highway
    Auburn, Placer
  • Phone 1
  • Business Line

    Assistance League of Greater Placer offers a variety of community programs, mostly for local schools.

    • Angels for Aging - Volunteers from Assistance League provide visits, gifts and cards to residents of assisted living facilities in our communities.
    • Kids on the Block - An educational puppet program performed in schools to enlighten children about bullying, school safety and learning differences.
    • Dressing for Success - A program providing women and men entering or re-entering the workforce with job appropriate clothing.
    • Operation School Bell - An outreach program which gives school children an opportunity to shop for new school clothing and shoes.
    • Support For Assault Survivors - Provides needed supplies for victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, and human trafficking. This includes clothing items, underwear, stress balls, journals, and other items when there is a need. In addition, this program provides needed items to the Stand Up Placer Safe House such as sheets, blankets, pillows, hair care supplies, night lights, and many other things. Assistance League also puts together gift baskets for victims leaving the Safe House to move into an apartment or house.
    • Community Assistance - This program provides a flexible, response strategy to people with specific emergency needs for goods and services.
    • Feet Treat - A community service program that provides new shoes for students who are referred to our chapter by school personnel. Requests for shoes are made by School Liaisons. Participating students are met at a Famous Footwear store by one of our assistance league members to choose the shoes.
    • Scholarships - The scholarship program, the only one of its kind in Placer County, provides ongoing financial aid and mentoring to high school graduates pursuing training/education at vocational schools, community colleges, or universities. The students are graduates from seven alternative education programs in Placer County. Referred by their high school counselors, teachers, and principals, they are from culturally, ethnically, and socio-economically diverse backgrounds. Alternative education programs are better suited to these students’ learning styles than traditional high schools. All have faced significant life challenges, and all have faced these challenges with strength of character and a vision for a better life.
    • School Supplies - New school supplies are supplied to students who are referred by staff members in public schools, KidsFirst and other resource centers in Placer County. Each child is given the supplies needed according to his/her grade. Books are also provided to students in select schools.
    • Literacy Enrichment - Our members assist students in the classroom under the direction of the teacher. Children read to the members using their grade level materials.

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