  • 933 Eloise Avenue
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    Main - Liberty Utilities
  • Phone 2
    Emergencies - Liberty Utilities
  • Business Line

Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) Events

To protect customers and communities from the risk of wildfire, Liberty will temporarily turn off power when weather conditions present an increased fire risk. Power outages might be prolonged, lasting several days. In partnership with fire weather experts, Liberty monitors real-time weather data and forecasts and regularly tests fuel moisture during the fire season. If it is determined that the forecasted conditions meet or exceed safety thresholds, Liberty will initiate a PSPS. 

PSPS Alerts

In the event that a PSPS is a possibility, Liberty will attempt to contact customers through calls, texts and emails, using contact information on file. Call 800-782-2506 to update your account's contact information. An online account can be created through Liberty's website. If you have any difficulty registering your account, please call Customer Care at 800-782-2506 for assistance.

Life-Sustaining Medical Equipment

Customers who require power to operate life-essential medical equipment are strongly encouraged to call 9-1-1 if they are unable to secure necessary alternative power. Please call Liberty Utilities if you have life sustaining equipment in your home. Call: 800-782-2506.

Who to Call about Downed Wires

Downed wires are a serious hazard. If you see a downed wire, please leave the area immediately and call 911 before contacting the utility. To report a downed wire to Liberty Utilities, call 844-245-6868.

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