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If you are having a life-threatening emergency call 9-1-1. For example, if you have lost power to essential life-sustaining medical devices and do not have backup power for them, or you have a medical need for temperature control.


FREED works with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) and PG&E to support people with disabilities and older adults during a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) event or other emergencies due to power shutoffs. The goal is to enable them to remain safe while independent in their residences and communities.

Funding for some services listed below is ONLY for PSPS events (or other power outage events for which PG&E may activate FREED). There is no funding for generators. No generators are available through any of these programs.

FREED is available to possibly assist in several ways:

DISABILITY DISASTER ACCESS & RESOURCES (DDAR) - DDAR assists individuals with disabilities and older adults in disaster readiness and recovery. Individuals who complete the application will be contacted by their local Disability Disaster Access & Resource Center (DDARC) staff (FREED for Nevada and Placer Counties) and assessed for disaster and emergency services, including Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events. Apply for DDAR Resources and Services at

MEDICAL BASELINE ENROLLMENT - FREED can help clients enroll in the PG&E Medical Baseline Program. This is not an income-based program. If you or someone in your community requires the use of a medical or life support device due to a disability or health condition, we can help you apply for PG&E’s Medical Baseline Program. If approved, clients receive a lower rate on their monthly energy bill as well as extra notifications in advance of a Public Safety Power Shutoff.

DISASTER PLANNING - FREED can help individuals put together a personalized disaster plan. Emergencies, including power shutoffs, can interrupt your normal routine and support systems. Planning ahead will increase your safety.

PORTABLE BATTERY PROGRAM - FREED can provide access to portable backup batteries to qualifying customers who use life sustaining medical devices, durable medical equipment, or have a medical need for temperature control. Battery supply is very limited and batteries are allocated on a first come, first served basis. Must live in CPUC FireMap Tier 2 or 3. Reasonable accommodations will be made for eligible consumers to receive their batteries. This is ONLY for PSPS events or winter storm events authorized by PG&E. Call FREED to confirm if winter storm event services have been authorized by PG&E.

OTHER EMERGENCY RESOURCES - If you rely on power to operate life-sustaining medical devices, FREED may be able to assist in covering the costs associated with hotel accommodations with food vouchers during a PSPS event or PG&E authorized winter storm event. FREED may be able to provide visa cards for gas to power personal generators. Preparedness takes time, so it is important to reach out to FREED in advance. Please note, FREED does not operate in an emergency response posture and people experiencing a life-threatening emergency should call 911.

This resource is eligible for electronic referral.